“War at Home” documentary - one year of crisis in Sudan

“There’s a dark sense of déjà vu here,” says Yousra Elbagir, Africa correspondent for Sky News. “Images I remember seeing from the Darfur genocide in the early 2000s, unfolding again. And the silence is worse than the yells of shock we expect.”

Sudan has been trapped in a doom loop of silence since a brutal civil war began one year ago. Western media especially has looked away following embassy evacuations from Khartoum in the early weeks of the conflict. Most eyes today are locked on Gaza/Israel and Ukraine. Few people have noticed that the catastrophe unfolding in Sudan now eclipses both of these conflicts, combined.

A minimal amount of important and moving reporting can break through the silence from time to time. This recent documentary by Yousra Elbagir with Sky News reflects on the conflict, which has hit close to home for her.

How To Help

We’re a nonprofit organization with over a decade of experience working alongside Sudanese heroes. Together we are making the story of Sudan known, empowering survivors, and working to build a renewed Sudan from the ground up. And we need your help.

Our Sudanese partners are overwhelmed with needs as the war spreads and hunger deepens. Your generosity will help them serve the most vulnerable in this time of tremendous need.


$2,200: Funds an entire classroom at Endure Primary School for one semester.

$1,000: Pays monthly salaries of 5 midwives.

$500 - Delivers food and clothing to Darfuri genocide survivors who have fled into South Sudan.

$250 - Supports a teacher and their classroom for six weeks.

$150 - Empowers a nurse assistant for one month.

$100 - Gives a day’s worth of medicine to four clinics.

$50 - Provides pencils, notebooks and other supplies to 16 students in Yida Refugee Camp.

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Checks can be made payable to Operation Broken Silence and mailed to P.O. Box 770900 Memphis, TN 38177-0900.

Operation Broken Silence is a registered 501(c)(3) organization. Your donations are tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law.



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  • Sudan has been trapped in a doom loop of silence since a brutal civil war began in April 2023. This documentary shines a light on the crisis. https://operationbrokensilence.org/blog/war-at-home-sudan-documentary

  • “There’s a dark sense of déjà vu here. Images I remember seeing from the Darfur genocide in the early 2000s, unfolding again. And the silence is worse than the yells of shock we expect.” https://operationbrokensilence.org/blog/war-at-home-sudan-documentary

  • Watch this short documentary about the emergency unfolding in Sudan and get involved. https://operationbrokensilence.org/blog/war-at-home-sudan-documentary


Mother of Mercy Hospital Update - April 2024


Sudan trapped in a “doom loop of silence” after one year of war and humanitarian nightmare