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Our Work

We’re helping local heroes in Sudan build a better future from the ground up, and with the help of supporters like you, we’re making tangible progress every day.

The most oppressed people in Sudan live in the rural periphery regions of the country. Despite the immense pain and suffering brought on by decades of war and genocide, the hope for change in these communities is fiercely contagious.

This is where we’ve focused all of our efforts from the beginning. We work with carefully-chosen indigenous partners to bring childhood education, community healthcare, and humanitarian aid to the most vulnerable people with the greatest needs.

Where We Work

Our Sudanese partners operate in the southern Nuba Mountains and western Darfur regions, as well as two refugee camps attached to each area. The Sudanese military and their now former paramilitary allies have committed multiple genocides in both areas for decades.

The Nuba Mountains are home to several dozen African tribal groups who trace their beautiful history back 2,000 years. The 1.3 million Christian, Muslim, and traditionalist Nuba people live in harmony together. Darfur is also home to historic and oppressed African tribal groups who have called the area home for millennia.

War is ongoing in both areas today. Learn more.

Our Approach

Operation Broken Silence is dedicated to Sudanese communities, cultivating resilience and driving meaningful change through crowdfunded programs.

We work diligently to identify local Sudanese community leaders, teachers, and healthcare workers who are already making a difference in the lives of their people. We get to know each other. We hear their triumphs and hardships. What makes them celebrate and what makes them weep. What their dreams are and what they need to get there.

And then the real work begins.

Partnering with Sudanese heroes

Education in Yida Refugee Camp

In 2014, we began funding four Nuba teachers in Yida Refugee Camp —just south of the Nuba Mountains— teaching under a tree. All they had was a half broken chalkboard.

These teachers have since blossomed their efforts into the Endure Primary and Renewal Secondary Schools, where 22 local teachers serve more than 700 students every week. Over 11,000 children have been positively impacted through this partnership to date.

Adré Feeding Program & Clinics

Many survivors of RSF war crimes in West Darfur have fled into eastern Chad, specifically the border town of Adré.

Local Darfuri healthcare workers who have fled into Adré have organized a small children’s feeding program that provides for 600-700 children daily and a medical clinic to serve between 150-200 of the most vulnerable every day. Medication is provided to patients for free and thousands of patients have been treated for conditions that include malaria, typhus, diarrhea, malnutrition, heart disease, gynecological issues, diabetes, and more.

Team Zamzam - Displacement Camp in North Darfur

Team Zamzam consists of 20 female counselors serving victims of sexual violence and malnutrition in Zamzam displaced persons camp in North Darfur near El Fasher, which is under siege by the Rapid Support Forces. They have served more than 4,000 women with counseling that helps alleviate the depression and shame that come with sexual assaults, as well as arranged reparative surgeries for women suffering from traumatic fistulas following assault.

Team Zamzam is distributing food to the disabled and blind, widows who have taken in orphans, and those with severe acute malnutrition. This effort began as a people-to-people initiative between the counselors and American activists. Program updates are handled by them, with giving and fundraising running through Operation Broken Silence.

Private Partnerships

In addition to the above programs, Operation Broken Silence also accepts donations and manages funds on behalf of the following projects. General donations made to us are not used for these purposes.

River Nile Ministry

Persecuted ethnic minorities and Christians fleeing Darfur, the Nuba Mountains, and other parts of Sudan into South Sudan often arrive after having lost everything.

This ministry has multiple locations across South Sudan made up of local pastors and other leaders who provide spiritual and physical care to victims of war, including delivering food relief and clothing, training new pastors for refugees communities, building simple facilities for people to gather in, and more.

Operation Broken Silence does not share public updates about River Nile for safety reasons. Please contact us if you are interested in supporting their work.

Greater Nuba Actsion Coalition (GNAC)

GNAC is an affiliation of faith-based nonprofits partnering with the Nuba people on emergency food relief, teacher training, peace building, agriculture and aquaculture transformation, and oral Bible translation projects.

The coalition also hosts an annual conference that brings together nonprofit and Nuba community leaders to learn together, build community, discover new opportunities, and more.

Operation Broken Silence is one of the primary fiscal sponsors of GNAC and provides fundraising and conference support to the coalition. Please contact us if you are interested in getting involved.

Our Sudanese partners need your help.

It’s not in the news, but the largest humanitarian emergency in the world is unfolding in Sudan. Extreme violence has decimated Khartoum. Countless smaller cities and villages have been destroyed. Mass war crimes remain ongoing and humanitarian aid access is extremely limited. Famine is spreading across the country and is threatening more lives than the violence itself.

Will you join us by making a donation to these heroes? Here’s what a gift from you can do:

$1,000 - Fully funds one classroom at Endure Primary School in Yida Refugee Camp for half a semester.

$500 - Delivers food to Darfuri genocide survivors who have fled to South Sudan.

$250 - Provides a daily breakfast to 10 children for an entire month in Adré refugee camp, where many Darfuri genocide survivors now live.

$100 - Supports the monthly work of a sexual assault counselor in Zamzam displacement camp in North Darfur, Sudan.

$50 - Helps repair classrooms in Yida damaged by seasonal rains and provide for general maintenance.

Checks can be made payable to Operation Broken Silence and mailed to PO Box 770900 Memphis, TN 38177-0900.

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Operation Broken Silence is a registered 501(c)(3) organization. Our EIN is 80-0671198. Donations are tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law.

If you would like your gift to go to a specific partner, please drop us a message letting us know which one after donating.