Do Justice Campaign: Jafar's Story

"They shot at us and each other for no reason."


The camel-mounted attackers wielded AK-47s when they raided the farm. These men are members of the Popular Defenses Forces, a feared regime militia that has wreaked havoc across Sudan for decades. They opened fire and killed Mohammed, an unarmed farmer, for no reason at all.

A regime army unit passing by saw the militiamen and ordered them to stop. Full of rage, the militiamen opened fire on their allies in the army. The soldiers fired back. Chaos ensued.

Jafar was visiting a nearby farm and heard the fighting. He fled. Over the next several days, more regime militiamen raided farms and shops. The army and police refused to protect unarmed Sudanese civilians. 

These attacks in the Habila area of the Nuba Mountains didn't happen several years ago, when the regime's genocidal onslaught against the Nuba people was at its peak. No, they happened in November, just a few months ago. 

A lot of the news coming out of Sudan is that peace is taking hold. A ceasefire has prevented massive military operations, but attacks like Jafar witnessed are still common. Regime paramilitaries listen to no one in the transitional government.

How are children supposed to learn in this environment? Many have fled to Yida Refugee Camp, where it is much safer. So have teachers. In fact, so many live in Yida that the fledgling education system has been overwhelmed for years.

We're helping by fundraising for 24 teachers in Yida. A lot of work still needs to be done though. We need 200 families and individuals to give monthly for their salaries. Will you join us? Even if you can only pitch in $10 a month, that will go a long ways. Every dollar counts right now.


Soirée For Sudan: Bridging The Gap


Do Justice Campaign: Arogo's Story