Do Justice: Our 2020 Campaign

Hello friends and supporters,

This week we are launching a new campaign: Do Justice. Here’s some information on what it is about.

Throughout 2019, more teachers then ever before showed up at our schools in Yida Refugee Camp, hoping for a job. Well over 1,000 refugee students showed up and begged for an opening. Often times with tears in their eyes, the Nuba teachers at our schools turned them away. The resources just weren't there to expand. They still aren't there. And this crisis is not getting any better.

Do Justice is the most important campaign in our history. It's an all-in effort to halt the education crisis in Yida before it morphs into a catastrophe. We're also going to bust some myths about Sudan along the way. That's why we're throwing everything we have, know, and believe into Do Justice.

The campaign launches this Monday. Here are three ways you can help:

  1. Share our posts as they pop up in your social media feeds.

  2. Get ready to learn about this crisis and become involved next week. 

  3. Contact us if you can't wait to get involved.

We’ll see you on Monday.


Mark C. Hackett

Executive Director

Operation Broken Silence


Do Justice Campaign: Arogo's Story


Tennessee Advocacy Alert: HR 6094