Message From Our Executive Director - June 2021

This time last year, the world was a very different place.

I hope 2020 goes down in our history as the hardest year we faced. COVID-19 coupled to social upheaval here in the United States presented us with an array of new challenges. One of our Sudanese partners summed this up well last summer:

It’s strange that the situation of our American friends feels harder than our struggle here in Sudan right now.

Strange indeed.

These past few months though, it feels like we’ve turned a corner. Many of us are vaccinated. Our fundraising continues to slowly improve. The programs we support in Sudan are experiencing fewer disruptions. Here are just three recent highlights:

  • Although COVID-19 has reached the Nuba Mountains and Yida Refugee Camp, known and presumed case numbers remain extraordinarily low.

  • Teachers at the Endure Primary and Renewal Secondary Schools in Yida Refugee Camp are now serving 1,400 students every day, the highest enrollment numbers to date.

  • We recently held our 9th annual gala virtually, again. Although the event was smaller than the in-person events of the past, the funds you raised provided a much-needed financial boost to the schools in Yida.

We’ve been laying the groundwork for our “new normal” for months now. Now that it feels we entering this new season, here are just a few things coming down the pipe:

  • Our leadership team is crafting a new strategic plan this summer. This is simply a document we use internally to stay focused on our goals and provide guidance on how to achieve them. This process was supposed to be completed last year, but we were forced to put it on hold due to the pandemic.

  • Donations to our Endowment Fund are still being matched! $13,000 in extra cash is still up for grabs. This is a critical part of our rebuilding plans. Learn more here.

  • Many of you have asked and I can now give a definitive answer: we will be returning the in-person components of Eden's Run 5K and Giving Tuesday this Fall! It’s going to be great to see some of you face-to-face again.


Once a year, we reintroduce The Renewal monthly giving family to all of you.

This is the easiest and best way to support the teachers and students in Yida. It’s easy in the sense that signing up only takes a minute, and then you’re effortlessly supporting the schools every month. It’s the best way to help because your generosity provides sustainable financial support to the teachers and students.

Here are three specific reasons we need you to sign up:

  • Endure Primary and Renewal Secondary saw severe budget cuts last year due to COVID-19. We’ve already restored 40% of lost funding, but teacher salaries are still not fully reinstituted. There’s also a back log of maintenance needs.

  • I often hear that people feel like giving monthly is a huge commitment. The truth is that it doesn't have to be! Many of our newest monthly givers are pitching in just $10 or $20 a month. Small commitments make a big difference.

  • This is entirely superficial, but we only need 18 more supporters to join The Renewal to reach 100 members. We had hoped to pass this milestone last year, but the pandemic threw a wrench in those plans. Reaching this goal will be like a little morale boost for our staff and Sudanese partners.

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As we emerge from a painful 15 months, I remain optimistic about our mission. There is still so much rebuilding to be done; but, together, I know that we’ll arrive at an even better place. Take care.


Mark C. Hackett

Executive Director

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About Us

Operation Broken Silence is building a global movement to empower the Sudanese people through innovative programs as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

We focus on empowering Sudanese change makers and their critical work. Learn more.

Donations are tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. Give monthly here.


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