Movement Spotlight: Victoria Busse
At the heart of our movement is a small, but incredible monthly giving family that we call The Renewal. These are our top supporters. They believe in the Sudanese people so much that they give monthly to the education and healthcare programs we support in in Sudan.
Today I want to introduce you to one of our Renewal family. Victoria Busse is a College Counselor at Hutchison School here in Memphis, TN. I first met Victoria in 2013 when she was interning with us. She says:
Even after my internship ended I stayed connected to the organization because I believed in the work that was being done. I love that we support the mission for the Sudanese people by letting them take the lead. They're living the experience, so they should have the most input into what structures and services work for their community. I love that OBS comes along side them to assist and not simply to direct funds.
I work at Hutchison School as a College Counselor, which essentially entails helping girls find colleges they want to attend and then lots of revisions for essay drafts, interview prep, resume revisions, and course advising for the underclassmen. As an educator and lifelong learner, I deeply value access to schools. I love that my contributions are funding classrooms and teachers as I believe that education truly can change someone's life.
Photo: Victoria Busse (right) with Robin Loeffel (left) at our 2018 Gala.
Victoria has been giving monthly since March 2018. Our Renewal family has grown quite a bit since then, so I asked her if she has any words of encouragement for others who are considering giving monthly like she does. Victoria says:
OBS is such a personal and thoughtful organization that cares about supporting and growing this community in Sudan that has endured so much. Being a Memphian, I love that it was created here and that the city and churches of Memphis are rallying to help our brothers and sisters across the globe.
We currently have 76 members in our Renewal family. They can be found everywhere from here in Memphis to as far away as California and New York. I know that the teachers and students at the schools we support in Yida Refugee Camp are grateful for the commitment each of Renewal members has made, including Victoria.
The Sudanese people are bringing an end to the violent governance that has plagued their country for decades. One of the many ways Operation Broken Silence is helping them do that is by funding the Endure Primary and Renewal High Schools in Yida Refugee Camp, where thousands of Sudanese children don't have access to a quality education.
The best way you can support the 24 Sudanese teachers and nearly 1,100 students at these two incredible schools is to become a Renewal member, just like Victoria. Monthly giving is automatic and effortless, and you can be confident that lives will keep changing for the better.
Both schools are currently short about $2,000 in monthly support. That means we need 80 more individuals and families to join The Renewal by giving $25 a month.
Every member of The Renewal gets a quarterly update that takes you behind-the-scenes of our work and receives a special pin that only Renewal members have! Members that give $25+ a month also get two free tickets to Soirée For Sudan each Spring and Eden's Run 5K each Fall. Have questions before signing up? Reach out at
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